7, 3-ANDROL (Buy 1 Get 1 Free)




▪ Lean Muscle Gains
▪ Muscle Hardener
▪ Increased Weight Loss

LEAN MUSCLE – 7, 3-ANDROl assists athletes in gaining lean muscle, relieving muscular fatigue, and accelerating protein synthesis. It is zero estrogen converting and non-liver-toxic.

HOW DOES IT WORK – 7-alpha-hydroxy-dhea is a by-product of DHEA that is formed in the body by the kidneys. This compound increases lean muscle gains and boosts the immune system.

Instructions: A full oral syringe will contain 150mg of 7, 3-ANDROl. Take a half oral syringe of 7, 3-ANDROl in the morning and a half oral syringe of 7, 3-ANDROl at night. Each bottle will last 30 days. Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18.


LEAN MUSCLE – 7, 3-ANDROl assists athletes in gaining lean muscle, relieving muscular fatigue, and accelerating protein synthesis. It is zero estrogen converting and non-liver-toxic.

HOW DOES IT WORK – 7-alpha-hydroxy-dhea is a by-product of DHEA that is formed in the body by the kidneys. This compound increases lean muscle gains and boosts the immune system.

Additional information

Weight 6 oz
Choose Capsule or Liquid

7,3-Andro Liquid, 7,3-Andro Capsule

Product FAQ

Suggested use - How do I take 7, 3-ANDRO?
A full oral syringe will contain 150mg of 7, 3-ANDRO. Take a half oral syringe of 7, 3-ANDRO in the morning and a half oral syringe of 7, 3-ANDRO at night.
How do I take multiple Andros at the same time?

Easy, when you wake up take one dosage of each Andro, about 10 hours later repeat this. Do this every day for the entire cycle.

Does 7, 3-ANDRO require liver support or on cycle therapy?

Neither is required. Only thing required is Beast, after completing a cycle.

How long can I cycle 7, 3-ANDRO for?

4 to 8 weeks, upon completion start the Beast.

What do I do if I forget to take a dose?

Do not double up, just take 7, 3-ANDRO when you can, and gradually get back to your initial regimen.


Can I drink alcohol on 7, 3-ANDRO?

We do not advise drinking alcohol on Andros, mainly because when we consume alcohol we suppress testosterone and the conversion of the Andros into testosterone.

Can 7, 3-ANDRO be taken with other UnNaturals Labs products?

4-ANDRO can be safely taken with ALL UnNaturals Labs products.

How long do I have to come off of the 7, 3-ANDRO before getting back on?

Upon completion of Beast as post cycle therapy you can go back on for another cycle.

Can women take 19-NOR-ANDRO?


How old must I be to take 7, 3-ANDRO?

You must be atleast 18 years old.

Does it matter if I take them with food?

You have slightly better absorption of the Andros on an empty stomach, but they still are effective even when taken with a small meal.

What is good to stack with 7, 3-ANDRO?

7, 3-ANDRO can be stacked with 3-EPI-ANDRO.

What are the side effects of 7, 3-ANDRO?

The side effects range greatly from person to person. Genetics, lifestyle, eating habits and other variables all contribute to the side effects or lack of side effects users experience. For most, Beast is perfect for restoring the hormonal balance of the body and ensuring the user keeps the majority of their new muscle gains.

In short, what is the difference between all of the Andros products?

1-ANDRO - Lean Hard Muscle
3-EPI-ANDRO - Cutting Cycle and Retaining Gains
4-ANDRO - Maximum Muscle and Strength Gains
7, 3-ANDRO - Lean Gains and Fat Burning
19-NOR-ANDRO - Power, Power, and More Power


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