Find out why your not the American MAN your father or grandfather was Studies find U.S men’s testosterone levels are plummeting! A study by Dr. Thomas Travison of the New England Research Institutes in Watertown, Massachusetts, found testosterone levels dropping an average of 1% per year since the 1980’s. Meaning, for example, a 60 year old man in 2020 would have testosterone levels 15% lower than that of 60 year old man in 2005.

This also means that most men in 2020 have had or have below average testosterone levels compared to 2005. Testosterone promotes attention, memory, spatial reasoning, and energy; this makes you sharper, increases libido and, of course, increases muscle mass. Low testosterone makes men lose sexual interest, lose muscle mass, gain weight, and lose their all around MAN Power. Low testosterone levels have also shown to directly relate to a decline in musculoskeletal strength among young men: In a 2016 study, the average 20 to 34 year old man could only apply 98 pounds of force with a right-handed grip, down from 117 pounds of force by a man of the same age in 1985.

A man’s hands say a lot about him. Men are losing physical grip strength due to lower test but a lot, because of the same reason, are losing their grip on what it means to be a man. Young men are far less likely to work manual labor jobs, so they don’t have to be as physically strong as previous generations. The economy is shifting away from jobs that favor men, like manufacturing, and toward sectors dominated by women.

Young men have fallen behind women in educational mental power. Men are increasingly dropping out of the workforce and expressing less work know how. All these social and cultural changes have also left women waiting for men catch up. “They aren’t men,” one young woman told Philadelphia Magazine. “They’re boys.” Has testosterone declined in response to a changed world, or has the world changed to accommodate less capable men? Men, let’s take back America! Take back your Man Power! Boost your physical AND mental strength. Join the fight with PATRIOT GAINZ

Patriot Gains – is the number one product for boosting your testosterone NATURALLY! Patriot Gains helps combat the negative effects of cortisol, boost energy, bedroom performance, stamina, strength, and power.


  1. “Grip Strength May Predict MI, Stroke, Mortality Risk.” Medscape, 14 May 2015, www.medscape.com/viewarticle/844689. Harding, Anne.
  2. “Men’s Testosterone Levels Declined in Last 20 Years.” Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 31 Oct. 2006, uk.reuters.com/article/health-testosterone-levels-dc-idUKKIM16976320061101. Howe, Neil.
  3. “You’re Not The Man Your Father Was.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 2 Oct. 2017, www.forbes.com/sites/neilhowe/2017/10/02/youre-not-the-man-your-father-was/. Ingraham, Christopher.
  4. “Today’s Men Are Not Nearly as Strong as Their Dads Were, Researchers Say.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 29 Apr. 2019, www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/08/15/todays-men-are-nowhere-near-as-strong-as-their-dads-were-researchers-say/

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